
Fotoklub Rijeka announces:

International photography contest on the subject of Man

The deadline for submissions is midnight on Saturday, 18 January 2025


If man is the single living creature on this planet embodying the highest level of evolution and generating that same evolution by his intellectual and every other activity, then he is at the top of the pyramid of life. However, this same man, with all his affirmative and positive assumptions, is simultaneously the biggest destroyer of everything that has been created and everything that he himself has brought about. He both builds and destroys. This duality of man is an inexplicable phenomenon that has been present and inevitable throughout history. Man is not alone – rather, he is in an interactive relationship in a particular spiritual, emotional and spatial environment. This complete reciprocal entanglement of the internal architecture of man, his natural environment and the space that he himself has created constitutes the mystery of life and survival on this planet.

So, what and where is man? Is he, as the ancient Greek philosopher Protagoras claimed, the measure of all things? Does man manage the world around him, and – primarily – does he govern himself, or not?

Photography will not provide the answers to these philosophical questions, but it can provide a series of small pictorial contributions regarding diverse circumstances and contexts of this same man.

It is the photographer’s task to interpret this complexity and variety of understandings and conceptions of man in an original way.

Borislav Božić, Prof.


  1. The subject of the contest is Man. The term man in the context of this contest is neutral and refers equally to male and female persons.
  2. In the photograph, man should be present in any life situation: creation, work, rest, play, destruction, war, struggle, etc.
  3. Only adults (18 +) can participate in the contest.
  4. Each author can send a maximum of six (6) photographs that are not older than two years and, preferably, have not been exhibited in Rijeka.
  5. To participate in the competition, a registration fee of €10 /euro/ is paid to the club’s account /Erste banka/ IBAN HR5924020061100135039 /Swift code ESBCHR22/ and in the Payment Description section, enter Man 2025.
  6. The registration fee can also be paid via Paypal.

  7. Photographs must be in JPG format with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and a minimum longer sides (longer page) of 45 cm.
  8. Photographs submitted must not contain any copyright marks, watermarks or the like.
  9. Photographs must be sent exclusively in digital format to the email address:
  10. Each author must submit a completed application form along with the photographs.
  11. By filling out and sending the application form, the author (participant in this contest) confirms that he or she is submitting authentic photographs and assumes responsibility for the content of the submitted work.
  12. Photo processing in photo editing programmes is allowed to the extent that it does not distort or change the basic meaning of the recorded content.
  13. Photographs can be in colour, monochrome and black and white.
  14. File names must include number, full name of the author, and title of the photograph, e.g. 1. Marko Markovic, Setaci
  15. When naming photo files, please do not use Croatian diacritic letters. On the application form, please write the names of the photographs in the same order using Croatian diacritic letters as required.
  16. Copyright: by filling out and sending the application form, the author gives consent to the organiser of the Man contest to publish the submitted photographs free of charge (but clearly crediting the author), for the purpose of promoting photographic creativity and this project.
  17. Some photographs will be printed on the promotional materials of the Man contest and exhibition. All forms of publication are of non-commercial value and their sole purpose is to promote the exhibition and the author. Moral copyright, in the sense of the correct indication of the author’s name in all forms of publication, will be fully respected.
  18. The name of the exhibition curator will be announced by the organiser after the submission deadline.
  19. The organiser will create a catalogue in PDF format from the selected and exhibited photographs and deliver it to all participants of the contest at the e-mail address specified in the application form.
  20. Awards:
  21. The Đoko Milekić Award – consists of a plaque and a corresponding printed certificate with explanatory text, plus a cash prize of 200 €
  22. Watch the video about Đoka Milekiću
  23. Diploma – three equivalent printed diplomas
  24. Recognition – three equivalent certificates of recognition in printed form
  25. The certificate is given to the authors whose photos are selected for
  • Contest calendar:

06/12/2024 Announcement of the contest

18/01/2025 Deadline for submission of photographs (until midnight)

31/01/2025 Opening of the exhibition in the Principij Gallery

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